E-Copy-scanning directly from the copier black and white or color, save as PDF, TIFF, or JPG.
We can scan Images any size from tiny photos to large format up to 48” in width.
Photographs * Artwork * Printed Material * Logos
For Web
RGB-72 dpi
For Print
CMYK-300 dpi, 600 dpi, and 1200 dpi
OCR-Original Character Recognition:
Accuracy is depended upon quality of original document submitted. The text(.txt) file can be imported into most programs for reformatting and editing.
Drum Scanning:
For large format images and drawings, we scan it through a drum scanner which is connected to computers and we can save it as any format. Our drum scanner can handle up to 36”.
We can either save it on your or our flash drive, email to you, or burn a CD/DVD.
Our staff are specially trained in Photoshop for photo restoration, change of colors, cleaning photos, etc…